Sunday 23 October 2016

Task 8 Photography - Camera Induction Notes and Photographs!

Photography Notes

  • 3 Point Lighting 
  • Do not have the model right at the back/ too close to the backdrop. Roughly 4-5 feet away from the backdrop.
  • Turn off lights while photograph taking.
  • Transmitter - Use left button to test
  • Download photos straight away
  • Black = Nikon
  • Grey = Canon 
  • Flashlights (Black Stands) Must be at 45 degrees angles
  • They do not heat up (the black bits do not) making it safe to touch
  • Do not touch the raw light inside 
  • Beep indicates that everything is ready to go.
  • To turn on press the squiggly line
  • Green button is used to test the light
  • If the dial is on 1 then it is at the lowest brightness
  • The number 6 means it is at its brightest
  • Recommended to keep each light at 3
  • Switch the light off to avoid getting electrocuted/serious harm.
  • Soft boxes are the square things that soften the light
  • If it is diffused the light will be even.
  • The black stands can be closer but the tallest one (at the back not the side ones) must be left where it initially was. 
  •  Main Key Light = Right side of the face
  • Fill Light = Fills in shadow for even distribution
  • Tallest light also known as the separation light or hairline light makes the hair visible and it brings the cover star forward and separates them from the backdrop.
  • Camera is the Nikon D-7-100 and the lid should be kept on
  • It is 18 - 105 in terms of zoom in length 
  • The left of the camera is where all the modes are located 
  • 2 modes are A and S
  • A or Aperture Priority has one set of numbers
  • These numbers control the DOF (Depth of Field)
  • A Shallow DOF only focuses on the model and not the background
  • DOF = Foreground and Background
  • S or the Shutter Priority controls how fast the shutter is going
  • This is useful if the models are moving
  • To control the Shutter Priority use the Back Dials
  • Turn it right and the higher the number
  • Turn it left and the lower the number and higher the depth of field
  • And faster the shutter 
  • To view the photos press the Play button
  • WB = White Balance and it means the lights are on with natural light
  • ISO = Film Speed, higher the number, use the top dial and use either 100 or 200
  • It is recommended to shoot in raw so the file is raw
  • To change the picture mode: Press the menu button, go to green, set picture control and then neutral to colour
  • ENSURE everything is on A
  • If there is no BEEP = It is too focused or too far away
  • BEEP = Focused
  • Move Black Stands a bit back if photo is too bleached out 
  •  Don't go higher than 3
  • Shoot in portrait mode
  • Lens put in palm in hand (left)
  • Big Circle = warm light = colour
  • Bounces off = BW
  • Look through the viewfinder and not the screen!

Here are some photos that I took during the photoshoot session.

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