Monday 3 October 2016

Task 6: Short Proposal

So today, I have begun doing my proposal for my magazine which explains what content I am going to include in it. For example, my magazine will be based on the genre of pop.



Magazine Proposal

The title of my publication will be: Pop Fanatics, and by the title the reader/audience could already infer that the magazine will be centred on the genre of Pop.
The magazine’s genre is pop and I chose it because it is the largest genre of music with many sub-genres and it is my most favourite.

The kind of content I will include is an interview (with a Question and Answer structure) with a famous pop artist like Charlie Puth for example. This links back to I will also include random advertisements to keep the reader’s interest and attention. Furthermore, I will feature anecdotes of musicians’ lives to give the audience an insight on how life is like in the music industry.

The masthead will either be centred across the page or in the top left of the page and it will be partially covered by the dominant image/cover star in order to insinuate the cover star’s significance. This links my magazine to the vibe magazine I analysed back for task 2 (the case studies) because the cover star Usher is covering most of the letter ‘b’ of the magazine’s masthead ‘Vibe’ in order to connote his significance.

The angle for the cover star’s shot will be taken at eye level (which is conforming to the conventions of a magazine) with a direct gaze in order to create this feeling of intimacy between the star and the reader/audience. Furthermore, it connotes equality as the cover star is not looking down at the reader/audience but instead looking at us on the same level as we are looking at him. This implies that the cover star is not superior nor is he/she inferior but he/she is just a human being working hard, regardless of his/her fame, power and wealth.

This links back to my case study research (task 2) to the Magazine analysis as Liam’s (the cover star for the magazine) shot has been taken at an eye level which connotes that although Liam is an artist, the magazine wants to make it appear that he is on the same level as everyone else.
The type of shot for my magazine will be a close-up or medium close-up in order to evoke a sense of intimacy and for a more direct mode of address.

The lettering will be simplistic (like a sans-serif type of font) as to make it easier for the reader/audience to decode. This links to the Vibe magazine I analysed for task 2 where the lettering was simplistic and easy to read.

The colour scheme will challenge the conventional 3 colour scheme rule as I will use 5 colours instead. These are: Black, yellow, blue, red and white and this what ideally would make my magazine different from the other conforming, conventional magazines out there. However, these are subject to change and I may instead revert back to the conforming 3 colour scheme/use alternate colours if the use of 5 colours will make my magazine messy and untidy. However, Top of the Pops magazine also challenges the conventional 3 colour scheme so it is not something completely rare.

The publisher that I have decided to use is EMAP (AKA Ascential) because they previously used to publish Q Magazine but later sold it to Bauer Media and they now currently do not have any music magazines that they publish. I think because my magazine conforms mostly and challenges (a bit) the conventions of music magazines that they would most likely accept to publishing it and the fact that they do not currently have a music magazine means it would most likely boost their popularity and the amount of income they make. 

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