Wednesday 28 September 2016

Task 4: Evaluation and Feedback of PT - What Went Well - What Could Be Improved - 3 Points for Development in Main Task

College Magazine (Preliminary Task) Evaluation

Front Cover
For my front cover, there are many things that went well and there are things that can be improved as well. Firstly, the layout of the page; the masthead is located at the top of the page going across from left to right. The masthead reads “LSC” which is an abbreviation for Leyton Sixth Form College. I used the font (Arial) for the masthead as well as for the rest of the text on the cover to keep consistency and for simplicity. This will help the audience/reader decode the information more easily. Part of the masthead is covered by the cover star in order to connote the cover star’s significance and it will cause the reader/audience to focus more on the dominant image.

A medium close-up shot was taken at eye level for the image of the cover star which considered conforming to the conventions of magazines. The cover star is looking with a direct gaze which means there is a direct mode of address. The angle was at eye level in order to connote equality and to evoke a sense of intimacy between the cover star and the audience/reader. This is to make the reader feel connected to the cover star and that they are both neither superior nor inferior to one another, they are both equal (regardless of fame or wealth).

There is a web link in the bottom right of the cover for the website of the college which will promote the college and increase its popularity and a date near the top right to inform the reader of the date that the magazine was published. I also used a barcode as well to conform the general conventions of magazines.

I conformed to the three colour scheme convention by using blue, black and red as the colours for my text in order to keep the cover looking professional and neat for the reader/audience. It also helps the reader make decoding the front cover easier. Furthermore, I used a puff with a splat shape (thanks to my knowledge of Adobe Photoshop) which will instantly grab the reader’s attention. Lastly, I used anchorage (by writing the name of the cover star) in order to tell the reader who the cover star is.
When it comes to improvements, I think that I could have organised the placement of the cover lines and text a bit neater by putting them in two columns one on the left side and the other on the right side. This is because the cover lines are all over the place along with the puff which makes the cover look a bit messy. I also could’ve put a price tag in order to inform the reader of the price of the magazine. There is also a filter used for the image of the cover star which isn’t normal/conventional when it comes to cover stars for music magazines in general.

Contents Page
For the contents page, I once again conformed to the conventional 3 colour scheme using the same colours as the cover of my magazine in order to keep consistency and simplicity. This helps the audience/reader to decode with a bit more ease and it reminds them that this is the same magazine due to the similarity of the colour scheme between the cover and the contents. Furthermore, I also used a gradient background as well. A drop cap was used as well as it is a conventional in the contents pages of magazines.

When it comes to the layout of the contents page, I organised the content in two columns. I used images that show the institution (the college) and they are located on the right hand side of the contents page. The information such as the page numbers are located on the left hand side. This is to give a more professional and neat look to the magazine and it will help the reader decode easily.

 I used the same font (a sans-serif font) throughout the contents page for consistency and simplicity in capital letters to make it easier for the reader to decode.  The page numbers are big, bold with a black and red colour whilst the information about the page is in black and blue. This is to help the reader differentiate between the two.  

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