Friday 23 September 2016

Genre of Music I am Working On

The genre of music that I have chosen specifically to work on is pop music (which is the most consumed music of today) as it is my most favourite genre of music for various reasons. This is because pop normally has a catchy and upbeat feel to it, which personally suits me a lot. It is also the fact that we consumers are so exposed to it Several studies have shown that the parts of brain responsible for emotions and especially our brain’s reward centers respond more actively to a piece of the music that it’s already acquainted with than to an yet unfamiliar song, even if the latter fits the person’s musical taste far better. Really, this is no surprise. Humans love repetition. We feel more safe and comfortable interacting with something we are already familiar with; such experience is more compelling and enjoyable for the majority. Repetition invites the listener into the music as active participant – It doesn’t take long until one’s tapping the feet following the rhythm of the song. Repetition factor plays an important role in two ways: First, repetition is a characteristic trait for a music in general, but more so in case of pop music. Additionally to that pop music is the one genre that we are most exposed to. We assumed that we hear a song everywhere because it’s popular when actually it’s exactly the other way around: a song is popular because it’s played everywhere.

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